Dharamshi, Neufeld, Gao, Witten, and Bien (2025) Thinning a Wishart random matrix. arXiv:2502.09957
Kong, Ancell, Witten, and Zweifel (2024) Valence and salience encoding in the central amygdala. <i>eLife</I> 13: RP101980.
Dharamshi, Neufeld, Gao, Bien, and Witten (2024) Decomposing Gaussians with unknown covariance. arXiv:2409.11497
Perry, Xu, McGough, and Witten (2024) Infer-and-widen versus split-and-condition: two tales of selective inference. arXiv:2408.06323
Neufeld, Dharamshi, Gao, Witten, and Bien (2024) Discussion of "Data fission: splitting a single data point". To appear in <i>Journal of the American Statistical Association</i>.
Perry, Panigrahi, Bien, and Witten (2024) Inference on the proportion of variance explained in principal component analysis. arXiv:2402.16725
James, Witten, Hastie, Tibshirani, and Taylor (2023) An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with Applications in Python. Springer Series in Statistics. 607 pages.
James, Witten, Hastie, and Tibshirani (2021) An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with Application in R, 2nd Edition. Springer Series in Statistics. 622 pages.
Motwani and Witten (2023) Re-visiting inference after prediction. <i>Journal of Machine Learning Research</I> 24(394): 1−18.
Zdeblick, Shea-Brown, Witten, and Buice (2023) Modeling functional cell types in spike train data. <i>PLoS Computational Biology</i> 19(10): e1011509.
Neufeld, Popp, Gao, Battle, and Witten (2023) Negative binomial count splitting for single-cell RNA sequencing data. arXiv:2307.12985
Dharamshi, Neufeld, Motwani, Gao, Witten, and Bien (2024) Generalized data thinning using sufficient statistics. To appear in <i>Journal of the American Statistical Association</i>.
Neufeld, Dharamshi, Gao, and Witten (2024) Data thinning for convolution-closed distributions. <i>Journal of Machine Learning Research</I> 25(57): 1−35.
Saha, Witten, and Bien (2024) Inferring independent sets of Gaussian variables after thresholding correlations. To appear in <i>Journal of the American Statistical Association</i>.
Chen and Witten (2023) Selective inference for k-means clustering. <i>Journal of Machine Learning Research</i> 24(152): 1-41.
Neufeld, Gao, Popp, Battle, and Witten (2022) Inference after latent variable estimation for single-cell RNA sequencing data. To appear in <i>Biostatistics</i>.
Tan, Sun, and Witten (2023) Sparse reduced rank Huber regression in high dimensions. <i>Journal of the American Statistical Association</i> 118(544): 2383–2393.
Chen, Jewell, and Witten (2022) More powerful selective inference for the graph fused lasso. <i>Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics</i> 32(2): 577-587.
Neufeld and Witten (2021) From two cultures to one. <i>Observational Studies</i> 7(1): 171-174.
Neufeld, Gao, and Witten (2022) Tree-values: Selective inference for regression trees. <i>Journal of Machine Learning Research</i>: 23(305): 1-43.