Tan, London, Mohan, Lee, Fazel, and Witten (2014) Learning graphical models with hubs. <i>Journal of Machine Learning Research</i> 15: 3297-3331.
Zare ... Witten, Blau, and Noble (2014) Inferring clonal composition from multiple sections of a breast cancer. <i>PLOS Computational Biology</i> 10(7): e1003073.oble
Mohan, London, Fazel M, Witten D, and Lee (2014) Node-based learning of multiple Gaussian graphical models. <i>Journal of Machine Learning Research</i> 15: 445-488.
Tan and Witten (2014) Sparse biclustering of transposable data. <i>Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics</i> 23(4): 985-1008.
Voorman, Shojaie, and Witten (2014) Graph estimation with joint additive models. <i>Biometrika</i> 101(1): 85-101.
Witten, Shojaie, and Zhang (2014) The cluster elastic net for high-dimensional regression with unknown variable grouping. <i>Technometrics</i> 56(1): 112-122.
Danaher, Wang, and Witten (2014) The joint graphical lasso for inverse covariance estimation ... <i>Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B</i> 76(2): 373-397.
Tan, Petersen, and Witten (2014) Classification of RNA-Seq Data. Statistical Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data. Springer. Editors: Daniel Nettleton and Somnath Data.
Kircher, Witten, et al. (2014) A general framework for estimating the relative pathogenicity of human genetic variants. <i>Nature Genetics</i> 46: 310-315.
Tay-Sontheimer et al. (2014) Detection of an endogenous urinary biomarker associated with CYP2D6 activity using global metabolomics. <i>Pharmacogenomics</i> 15(16): 1947-1962.
Grechkin et al. (2014) Pathway Graphical Lasso. <i>Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15).</i>